My Client On Finding a Condo in Toronto

Listen to “My Client On Finding a Condo in Toronto” on Spreaker.

Guest Speaker: IJ Schecter, one of my clients

I recently helped IJ purchase a condo for his family.

His Insights

  • Why did you decide to purchase a condo?
  • After you decided to wanted to purchase place, how did you decide to select an agent?
  • IJ, there are a lot of agents to choose from, why did you select me over all the other agents that you could have listed with?
  • What kind of place were you looking for?
  • Did you find that your expectations of what you wanted changed over time?
  • How did you feel about the length of time it took to find you a place?
  • What was the biggest surprise you had in purchasing a condo?
  • What do you think I did as an agent that was must helpful in the sales process? 
  • How did you feel during the offer process?
  • How did you feel when got the condo you wanted?
  • How do you feel now that you have been living in your new place for a couple months?
  • How do your kids like the space?
  • What advice do you have for our listeners who are thinking of buying or selling?


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