Vote: Please help us choose the best pizza in Davisville Village!
Voting period is over as of 1st May, 2021.

As we go into another never-ending lockdown, we know that times have been more than tough for those in the restaurant industry so let’s support some of our local restaurants, have a little neighbourly competition and EAT MORE PIZZA IN DAVISVILLE.
So are you in?
Over the next few weeks, until April 30th, you are invited to try pizza from a variety of restaurants in the Davisville Village area.
As you EAT MORE PIZZA IN DAVISVILLE, please vote as often as you like for which restaurant has the best pizza in the Davisville Village area.

When you visit a restaurant for pizza, please snap a picture and use the hashtag #eatmorepizzaindavisville
Share on your socials!
Let’s get as many votes as possible