Listen to “What you should know about the Condo market” on Spreaker.
Shaun Hildebrand, Senior Vice President of Urban Nation walks us through some of the trends in the condo market.
What does Urban Nation do?
What has been the trend in the market over the years in terms of the size of the condos?
What kind of price points are the larger units coming in at?
Why are more developers going with rental buildings now?
Why it is not a big concern that there are so many condo building going up in a particular area?
Why we are not over building condos?
Why the volume of completions have gone down this year?
Why will investors not be impacted at all by the number of purpose built rental buildings that are coming up?
In terms of the preconstruction condos, what are the percentage in the preconstruction market who are end users, foreign investors and local Canadian investors?